Types of Waterfalls in Yellowstone
There are three types of waterfalls: plunge, horsetail, and cascade. The type of fall depends on how the water drops and how much contact it has with the rocks below/behind the water.
Water-free falls for some or all of its height without touching underlying rock or is nearly vertical in descent.

Water descends rapidly down a near-vertical wall while maintaining some contact with the underlying rock.

Water flows over a series of rocks or down a broad rock face with many leaps or segments.

Navigate to: Introduction to Falls or Waterfalls Map
All definitions come from the Rubinstein, Whittesey, and Stevens out of print book listed below.
Search the Internet, and you may find a reasonably priced copy of the above book to help you explore Yellowstone's beautiful waterfalls.
Rubinstein, P. W., Whittlesey, L. H., and Stevens, Mike. The Guide to Yellowstone Waterfalls and Their Discovery. (2nd Ed.). Pages 27-28. Eaglewood, CO, 2000: Westcliffe Publishers.