Change and Contrast in Yellowstone

Don't expect it to be the same each time you visit or daily

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Change and Contrast in Yellowstone

Lonestar Geyser in eruption with a rainbow
You will not see rainbows with every geyser eruption, but when they show up. Wow! Geysers can change their intervals, which is the time between eruptions, especially with earthquake activity.
Two bison feeding by the Firehole River.X
Bison feeding along the Firehole River one early May morning.

Yellowstone is a wild, changing world of contrasts. At any moment, while in Yellowstone, you can move from a spot of raw roaring power to peaceful quiet, which is mind healing. Heat and steam abound from thermal features, but a few steps away, snow can be several feet deep, or water will drip on you from where steam had frozen on the pine needles and has now started to melt. Water rushes through rapids, tumbles down waterfalls, or cascades over rocks, but just down the way, the water is calm and doesn’t seem to be moving at all.

One minute, an elk cow is grazing on the hillside, her twin calves resting at her feet. The next moment, she goes galloping up the mountainside with her family because she smells the black bear below. The bear, on the other hand, never knew they were there.

Elk cow on side of hill with twin fawns.
This elk cow with her twins was spotted on the hillside above the Madison River as I tracked a brown black bear for about 2 miles. Notice the cow has a tracking collar on. She was collared so the rangers could learn more about elk and their habits. The family made it safely away.
Small herd of Pronghorn reacting to something.
Part of a small herd of pronghorn grazing quietly in Lamar Valley, but one is reacting to something.

Both change and contrast can occur when a herd of pronghorn moves from grazing quietly to an all-out rapid retreat once they catch wind of wolves in the area.

Two bull bison grazing or walking side-by-side may start an intense battle back and forth across the road with their snorts resounding off the fog. All are a few of the activities that you may be blessed with, seeing as you tour Yellowstone with your family or friends. Change will happen every day and in many forms. As I spent many summers in the park, one of the things I enjoyed a great deal was watching the meadows, valleys, and mountains change. It started with the shaking off the last winter snow to become lush green vegetation to the golden browns and reds of fall. Regrettably, the snow doesn’t begin until I leave the park in early October.

Mule deer jumping out of water with water trailing of hind legs.
I spotted two mule deer early on a September morning. I loved the light and the deer’s motion, as shown by the water trail off its feet and legs. I spotted the deer just east of the Norris Junction in the meadow that spreads out in front of the Ranger Museum.
Bison crossing meadow with light dusting of snow on its back.
Bison on the move in Lamar Valley after a light snowfall.

You could also see white bison in the hot geyser basins. White bison, you say? What is it? It’s the brown fur of the bison encrusted with snow or the sinter from the hydrothermal features.

Change is often best seen when you are in the same place for several days or weeks. For example, a friend and co-worker remarked how she was fascinated when one day, the Upper Geyser Basin was covered in snow, and 24 hours later, there were blooming flowers in the same area. She also remembers how impressive it was to see one flower in bloom one week, and the following week, a different type of plant had sprung up and was blooming in the same area, often changing the color of the same field.

Contrasts are everywhere within the park. Look to see what contrasts you can find.

Change comes to Yellowstone in various ways; an incomplete list of ways Yellowstone changes include the following.

  • The typical changes you see from season to season.
  • Weather changes from day to day and often from minute to minute.
  • Geothermal changes.
  • Earthquakes, 1000 to 3000, occur annually; I have felt only one in all the years I have gone to Yellowstone. Most are below the level that humans can feel.
  • Volcanic action is an “I hope never to see” event. Three catastrophic eruptions have molded the area into what it is today. Lava flows have made other changes to the park, such as the ridges around the Upper Geyser Basin.
  • Animal diseases or stressors.
  • Natural fires, believe it or not, are a good thing in many situations. Fires caused by human misadventures can be disastrous.
  • Changes that come with time and use also impact what you will see.
  • Man-made, not always so good, such as killing off the wolf population in the park in 1926 and encouraging bears to eat at hotel dumps. But man has taken many other actions that have preserved the environment, animals, and wilderness, such as helping save the bison from extinction, restoring bears to their regular diet, and restoring the wolves to the park.
  • How we see our world, including Yellowstone, can arise in our changing thoughts and beliefs.

Some of these changes will affect you today, and some you may not see until you visit several years later. Some you should hope never to see.

I will say that concerning my history with the park, I have visited Yellowstone almost 15 times for several days to five months. I saw changes from season to season or several years before on each visit. Change is a theme in Yellowstone.

One of the changes I noticed in 2012 is in the area of Whiskey Flats. Whiskey Flats was a small pond with typical grasses around the edge. Now, the Whiskey Flats area is choked with vegetation, and only a little water is visible at the base of the grass. Nature organized this change.

The change that has impacted me the most is the Lower Terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs. In 1976, I captured a picture of the Terraces that I enlarged and hung in my home. I called it my mood picture. Depending on my mood, I would have different amounts of lights on. The lighting then changed the intensity of the picture. The picture showed gently rising terraces with vibrant whites, yellows, and browns that glistened with sparkles from where the sunlight hit the film of water flowing over the terraces. The terraces were balanced with a green row of trees in the background with darkening clouds overhead. I couldn’t wait in 2006 to get a similar picture. Imagine my depression when I saw this huge rock formation that was gray and utterly dry. I felt physically ill and told Robert, my brother, I didn’t want to come back to Mammoth during our visit. An earthquake in the 1990s changed the water flow pattern, leaving behind the gray terraces. Change is always with us. The terraces are starting to come alive again today, and water flows in Canary Spring and Palette Spring. Those changes occurred because the plumbing system beneath the terraces that supplied the water changed.

Canary Spring in Mammoth Hot Springs.
Canary Spring Located in Mammoth Hot Spring. Notice the gray in the foregound. That is where there is not water running over the travatine terrace. Canary Spring has the water running again and you can see the difference when the water is running over the terraces.

One geological change I experienced was when Ear Spring erupted on Geyser Hill in the Upper Geyser Basin. Ear Spring erupted in 2018 for the first time since 1957. My fellow rangers, the visitors, and I saw a geological change in real time. Features changed water level, new features opened, geyser eruption intervals changed, and other changes occurred. That change was exciting to see and is an experience I was humbled to experience.

On July 23, 2024, Yellowstone experienced another geological change with a large hydrothermal explosion in the Biscuit Basin. The water pressure dropped underground, converting the very hot water to steam. Drop for drop, a drop of water is converted to steam 1600 times larger than the drop of water. The ground structure could not contain the resulting steam volume, so it broke through at a weak spot, sending a large volume of rocks into the air.

Some of the “changes” you see could be as simple as being at the right place at the right time. I had never seen wolves in the Gibbons Meadows south of the Norris Geyser Basin. In 2012, I saw them there on at least two separate occasions. Nor had I ever seen a bear between Madison Junction and the West Entrance. I did on a later visit. I got lucky; the animals hadn’t changed their behavior. I was just at the right place at the right time.

One often overlooked change is the change that can occur in you, the visitor. A new or renewed enjoyment of nature. The renewed vigor, mental and physical, and enjoyment of life as you connect with nature and the uniqueness of Yellowstone. Experiencing Yellowstone’s beauty, bigness, uniqueness, gentleness, fury, and a Yellowstone adventure all worm their way into your soul, heart, and mind. If you don’t say or think wow multiple times throughout each day you are in Yellowstone, you need Yellowstone to start your healing journey. Come to Yellowstone. I challenge you to resist changing with a dose of Yellowstone.

Health Warning: Yellowstone can be addicting, but it is a kind of addiction that is good for your health. Enjoy it. There are so many different things you can do and experience that each trip will be different and unique in some way. So go on and join the over 4 million people from around the world who visit the park annually and have your own Yellowstone adventure.


These changes impact the individual visitor daily and the physical elements and wildlife that make Yellowstone what it is today. Ever-occurring change is the base of Yellowstone National Park’s history.

Turquoise Pool in Midway Geyser Basin at sunrise.
Seeing Turquoise Pool at sunrise could definitely make you relax and enjoy the here and now.
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