Grizzlies vs Black Bears

Black Bear
- Rump taller than shoulders
- Straight face profile, little to no gap below ruler if put on forehead and nose
- Ears larger, more erect, and more pointed
- Short dark claws, 1.5 inches
Grizzly Bear
- Shoulders taller than rump
- Has a somewhat concave profile, with a big gap below the ruler if put on the forehead and nose
- Smaller, more rounded ears
- Long light claws, 2-4 inches
Bears have supe-smelling abilities. Compared to humans per the National Institute of Health:
- An average dog is 100 times better
- Bloodhound is 300 times better
- Bear is 2,100 times better, or 7 times better than a bloodhound
Bears have been known to make 18-20-mile journeys tracking carrion. Where you or I make a visual map to navigate around us. Bears are thought to make olfactory maps. What a neat skill.
To read more about the grizzly bear, check out this page.