Grizzly Bears in Yellowstone

According to the 2023 Resources and Issues Handbook, there are 150-200 grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park all or part of the time. Grizzly bears are one of two types of bears in the Park. They are joined by numerous black bears. Grizzly adult male bears weigh 200 - 700 pounds, while the female weighs 200 - 400 pounds. The Ursus arctos horribilis (grizzly) is bigger than the black bear, Ursus americanus. Both species of bears can live 15 to 30 years.
How can you identify a grizzly bear? Grizzlies have a shoulder hump, and their rump is lower than their shoulder. Their hump is pure muscle used to dig roots, tubers, and turn over logs or boulders. Their face has a dished-in profile, with a depression between their eyes and the end of the nose. A grizzly bear's ears are short and rounded.
Grizzly bears' color can range from blond to black. They often have pale-tipped guard hairs.

Females may deliver one to three, and occasionally four, cubs in January or February. Did you know that the mother starts hibernation and awakens to 2-month-old cubs? The female doesn't normally arouse during delivery.
Grizzly cubs stay with their mothers for two winters after their birth year before she chases them off, at which time she will mate again. Male grizzlies, called boars, will try to kill a female's offspring that aren't his. That way, she will go into heat again, and he can mate with her to produce his offspring.
How fast can a grizzly bear run? What do you think, 5, 10, 15, or 45 miles per hour? Think about it and check the answer below.
Research done in 2006 by Montana State University showed that boars have 2.5-5 times the strength of humans.
While in Yellowstone, you can often see the same bear(s) in the same general area at about the same time day after day. People often park in the general area for hours, hoping to get pictures of the bears.
Always remember that bears are wild animals and will viciously protect their cubs and food. Before moving into bear country, ensure you know how to act for your safety and decrease disturbing the bear(s).
People seem to forget that Yellowstone and all the National Parks' animals are wild. They must be respected for the danger they pose to people and property. We need to remember that the bears are in their home; we are guests in their home. We need to act as guests. Give them room, respect their personal space, respect that they can all outrun you, and respect that one swipe of a grizzly's paw can introduce you to the afterlife.

Answer to the above question. Grizzlies are known to be agile and can run up to 40 mph. What do you think? Could you stay ahead of the bear in a foot race?
Many people have asked the rangers if they have a picture of a grizzly or black bear as they show the ranger their camera screen. To learn how to tell the difference, check out this page.